Sometimes just a " no" to a young child begins to scream and make him throw his toys on the floor . How do you deal with your child's tantrums will tell him this is what Eve
Sometimes just a " no" to a young child begins to scream and make him throw his toys on the floor . How do you deal with your child's tantrums will tell him this is what Eve
What is the reason tantrums that haunt your child :
He acted normally happens to children between 2 and 3 years and this is the heart part of the natural growth of the child . He gradually learns manage his emotions , temper tantrums and a way to express their feelings of some .
When he was a baby starts to cry while bring a bottle of milk and its own but it's probably different now must be learning patience to get what he wants .
Recursion patience if you notice tantrums repeat several times a day and then you can consult specialists , the child need assistance to be able to express his emotions in another way instead of yelling .
Your child gets angry for nothing :
If you notice it at first kept quiet if exceeded alone a national abdication in the room a little bit of time to calm down and then come back to him and ask him to explain what he did after that explains to you a national kiss and take him in your arms , he needs to know we still love him in spite of the anger that overdone .
Throw things on the ground :
Again, we should not respond to anger with anger . National abdication simply in his room . When you return home his male laws and must be done by a male and also played and things that have nothing to do throwing his discontent , and other penalty will be applied if gave it back again (for example, deprive of his favorite