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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Medical plan for fast weight loss

This medical program does not take more than a few days , or a week at most . This plan will help you to burn fat and accumulated reserves and even completely removes carbohydrates , but there would be a breach in the balance of it depends for a short period 

This medical program does not take more than a few days , or a week at most . This plan will help you to burn fat and accumulated reserves and even completely removes carbohydrates , but there would be a breach in the balance of it depends for a short period .
The rules of the diet :
There are no restrictions in terms of quantity , but you must follow these strict food .
• lean meat must be grilled without butter or any fat , fresh or be cooked . You can also eat poultry fat-free ( without the skin) , preferably grilled white (no butter or oil or sauce ) or cooked in a broth .
• Fish : dab , plaice , cod , hake , pike .
• Oysters : Oysters , mussels , scallop and Jack ( fresh or frozen) .
• seafood : lobster , crab and shrimp. All of these fish or shellfish should be grilled or boiled . No butter , oils , or you can just use lemon , vinegar and spices or non-fat cheese , herbs and different types of spices and do not eat any kind of vegetables .
• Do not Sugar : But if you you like sugars , you can add sugar substitutes in tea or your coffee . In addition to 8 glasses of water a day or more.
Diet program :
• a cup of tea or coffee unsweetened .
• a piece of cheese, fat-free .
• grilled piece of meat .
• 1 cup of skimmed milk .
Dinner :
• pickled oysters .
• 1 piece of chicken wings or grilled fish, grilled or poached .
• 1 cups of coffee or tea non- local

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