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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Fish oil helps children to deep sleep

A study published recently in the British newspaper the Daily Mail , conducted by scientists from the University of Oxford says that taking children to fish oil rich in omega- 3 helps them to sleep deeply, and reduces the number of times you wake up during the night.
Researchers have the involvement of about 352 children , aged between 7 and 12 years suffer from lack of sleep , was given some fish oil capsules daily for 4 months , and to monitor their movements have been put on the wrist strap 43 of them children .
Results of the study showed that :
- Children who  fish oil capsules slept for a longer period of time of about 58 minutes , also fell, the number of times during the night waking 7 times less than before .
- Low level of omega- 3 in the blood leads to a decrease in the levels  , which regulates sleep time and hours when children and adults too

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