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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The safe way to get rid of Cellulite

Many women suffer from cellulite and is not associated with the enactment of a specific and may to carry out rinsing and other unhealthy ways . Do you want to get rid of this problem? Discover the site with us today in a simple way Eve and natural ingredients will help to reduce it. Where you can exploit the special coffee filters because it contains caffeine and is a substance that helps to reduce it.
Mask coffee to combat cellulite :
1 tablespoon of coffee .
1 tablespoon of olive oil .
Wooden spoon .
A clean bowl .
How to prepare:
1 - national coffee mix with olive oil in a bowl until well get ride of a homogeneous mixture .
2 - a national application of this mask on the affected areas with rubbing these areas well and do circular movements .
3 - national Rinse your skin well .
Important note:
You can adjust the amounts according to the affected areas.
You must drink water in sufficient quantity liter and a half a day is equivalent to 8 cups until get ride of all the impurities that would help in the appearance of cellulite

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