It is well known that older people hate so much to deal with all the new technical devices , mostly because it
It is well known that older people hate so much to deal with all the new technical devices , mostly because it is difficult , especially if their use is very weak , but the technology has become in our time meet the wishes of all segments of society , including the elderly.
Today was the launch of a new tablet named Clarice Companion of their own and help them dramatically to stay in touch with family and friends and relatives with ease. Among the features of the device that can be older than do many of the tasks that are needed on a daily basis , including the reporting date medication button button call me that sends an electronic message to the person you want to contact him .
The estimated price of the machine at about $ 550 for a copy , which operates a network with a monthly fee of $ 40 within the United States and $ 650 for a copy , which is working with the network as soon as LG Order of $ 50 per month