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Monday, March 17, 2014

How do you break the routine in the marital relationship

Re the same activities every day makes you end up sleeping to sleep is a daily routine makes your life very

Re the same activities every day makes you end up sleeping to sleep is a daily routine makes your life very boring , not only that but possibly affect your married life , despite all that what you're doing is necessary and good .
Eve will provide you with 4 tips to break the routine , but Do not stop at these tips Look , but also if you have suggestions for good Not that  experience .
Took advantage of time to spend together :
Work , child care and household chores daily routine kills all the marital relationship , it is true that routine inevitable but  this routine even once a month to go on a romantic weekend or eat in a restaurant or go to unusual places .
Experience adventure and unexpected :
Try new things together . play sport together , learned dance together ...
Nor Tjali days associated with certain activities , it may seem to you that kind of system , but vice versa , the results of this system are counterproductive because conjugation activities than in days of routine. It is not necessary to go to the house of the parents Friday , Saturday , Go , for example, and so on.
Leave your husband a little freedom :
Each of us needs to spend some time without the presence of the other .  for a happy life Leave him a lot of freedom as a spectator football with his friends or play billiards ...
And you also spend some time with your friends .
Exchange of gifts :
Not necessarily have to be expensive gifts , sometimes the simple things enter a lot of pleasure .  new game , an invitation for a coffee in a romantic place , even for an hour , look at new things

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